Join or Renew Your Membership Now!
Mekor Habracha’s new membership year (5778) begins on Rosh Hashana, so NOW is the time to join or renew! Members who make reservations may attend all High Holiday services free of charge.
MEMBERSHIP RATES 5778 (2017-18):
Couple or Family: $900
Single: $500
Student: $300
$250/person for all of Rosh Hashana; $250/person for all of Yom Kippur
Student rate: $150/person for all of Rosh Hashana; $150/person for all of Yom Kippur
If you are unable to pay the full membership fee or guest rates for any reason, please email or contact a board member or the rabbi to request a flexible payment plan or reduction. We never turn away anyone for lack of funds, so please do not hesitate to contact us. All requests will remain confidential.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, or to obtain a membership application, please email You will also find information here about how to submit your payments.
Please be aware that even with the rate increase, membership only covers a percentage of our budget, and we will still depend on your continued generosity beyond membership dues to cover our costs.
We will continue to make all efforts to help our community flourish, and look forward to an exciting future for us all. Best wishes for a sweet New Year ahead!