Boruch Dayan Ha’Emet

We are saddened to inform the Mekor Habracha community of the passing on Wednesday of Musa bat Boruch Moshe v’Baila, mother of Mekor Habracha Board President, Bruce Taubman. Shiva will be observed beginning this Friday, June 16, at the Taubman home; please email the shul ( for the address.  Mekor Habracha will hold Shacharit at the Taubman home, instead of at shul, on Sunday, June 18 - Wednesday, June 21. Mincha/Ma’ariv will be held at the Taubman home, Sunday June 18 - Tuesday June 20, at 8:15pm. 

May Bruce, Miriam and family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.