Pesach at Mekor Habracha
SECOND SEDER AT THE SHUL ~~ Mekor Habracha will be hosting a community Pesach seder led by Rabbi Hirsch on the second night of Passover, Tuesday, April 11, at 7:45pm. The cost is $50 per person ($53 if using PayPal), children free, cost adjustments available. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to the shul email ASAP & send payment no later than Wednesday March 29. To pay, use Venmo, PayPal, or send a check to Mekor Habracha, c/o Ellen Geller, 768 N.Croskey St, Phila, PA 19130.
PESACH WITHOUT the PAIN - Rabbi Hirsch’s Class on the Laws of Pesach ~~ Rabbi Hirsch will be teaching his annual class on “Pesach Without The Pain: A Practical Guide for the Laws of Passover” on Thursday, March 30 at 7:00 PM and on Shabbat, April 8 at 6 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend.
MAOT CHITIN ~~ There is a traditional practice called ‘Maot Chitin’ or ‘Kimcha D’Pischa’ which is giving charity to those who cannot afford their Passover expenses. The shul has created a special fund to help individuals fulfill this important mitzvah. If you would like to donate to this fund, please send an email to the shul ASAP with the amount you wish to pledge.
SELLING CHAMETZ ~~ If you would like to to sell chametz through the shul, please email with the name of the owner or renter and address of each location you would like to sell. IMPORTANT: please also indicate if you will NOT be on the US East Coast for the Passover holiday, and where you will be .Suggested donation to the shul is $18 per location. Deadline for submitting info is Wednesday, April 5.