Community-wide Mishloach Manot Project Sending food gifts to friends and family (Mishloach Manot) is one of the four Mitzvot performed on Purim. It is a heartfelt way to emphasize Jewish unity, which lies at the core of the Purim holiday, and creates meaningful connections within our own community as well.   Through Mekor Habracha’s unique project, for $180 you can send a gift bag with delicious treats to every member of our community. Every family on the membership list will receive one package, along with a Purim card that lists all the contributors. All mishloach manot bags will be available for pickup at Mekor Habracha on Saturday night or Sunday morning, March 11-12.   To place your mishloach manot order, simply email, and indicate if you would like your name to be listed differently from the way it is listed on your membership form.  Also, please indicate if you do NOT wish to receive a mishloach manot package & would instead like the contributions to go to the shul. You will then receive a response via email with electronic payment instructions.  All orders must be placed by Wednesday, March 1st. Should you have any questions please email, or contact the shul. 

Matanot L'evyonim
Mekor Habracha will be creating a special fund to help our community fulfill the mitzvah of Matanot L'evyonim on Purim. Funds will be distributed on Purim day to the needy, both in Philadelphia and in Israel. When you make your donation, please include a note in the memo: "Purim fund" and also indicate if you specifically want your donation to be made in Philadelphia or Israel. 
Donations may be made online, via Network for Good, PayPal Giving Fund, Venmo or regular PayPal to, You may also pay by check sent to Mekor Habracha c/o Ellen Geller, 768 N. Croskey St., Phila, PA 19130. We respectfully request that all payments through Network for Good or standard PayPal include an additional 5% to cover their fees. Payments by check must be received by Thursday March 9.  

Ta’anit Esther - Thursday, March 9 Ta’anit Esther Schedule (Thursday, March 9): Fast begins 5:09 AM, Morning Services at 6:45 AM, Mincha/Ma’ariv at 5:30 PM.  Fast Ends 6:31 PM.

Purim Party With Moments of Wrong!
Saturday night, March 11 
(Please note the change in time.)
Mekor Habracha will be hosting another fun-filled Purim program this year. On Saturday night, March 11, Ma'ariv (evening) services will begin at 7:15 PM, Megillah reading at 7:30 PM, followed by costume party, pizza, and performance by our amazing shul band, Moments of Wrong! Suggested donation $5 pp. We are looking for sponsors to help feed the large crowd expected, so please send a return email if you would like to help by being one of the sponsors.

Morning Services ~ Sunday March 12  Morning services and Megillah reading will take place at the shul on Sunday morning at 9:00 AM and approximately 9:30 AM respectively.. Best wishes for a joyous Purim!