This is a letter to the editor that I wrote in response to Rela Mintz Geffen’s article in the Jewish Exponent:

Here’s One Way to Get Young Jews Involved

Thank you, Rela Mintz Geffen, for recognizing Mekor Habracha synagogue as one of “the pockets of success” in energizing the young-adult Jewish community in Center City (Opinions: “Focusing on Kids Makes Sense, but What About Singles?” Jan. 21).

Ours is a vibrant, grass-roots congregation, with a large percentage of membership comprised of students and young professionals. It is wonderful to see many former participants in Birthright trips and similar programs gravitating to our shul to maintain and grow their connection to Judaism in a traditional setting.

We hope that others will come to appreciate that building communities attractive to this demographic may be one of the most vital elements of engaging the next Jewish generation.